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Railway will be built connecting Zhuhai and Shenzhen


Updated: 2019-05-10

A new intercity railway between Shenzhen and Zhuhai is proposed in a 2016-2030 master development plan that was recently approved by China Railway Corp and the Guangdong Provincial People's Government.

Shenzhen's endeavor to build the Xili and Shenzhen Airport high-speed railway stations highlights the plan.

The Shenzhen-Zhuhai Intercity Railway will start from Xili Railway Station in Shenzhen's Nanshan District, and go westwards to Zhuhai across the Pearl River. It will be connected to the Shenzhen-Huizhou Intercity Railway at Xili, which is also the terminus of the Jiangxi-Shenzhen, Shenzhen-Maoming, and Xiamen-Shenzhen high-speed railways.

Planning will be undertaken by the Guangdong Provincial Development & Reform Commission before the implementation stage, according to an executive of the Zhuhai Transport Bureau.

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Bustling railway station [Photos courtesy WeChat account: zhtqb12345]


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