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Park more and more friendly to fauna, flora, families


Updated: 2019-05-29

Xiangshan Lake Park in New Xiangzhou is seeing more visitors than usual because some 30 water birds, including white and black swans and mallards, have made it their home.

The ecosystem has been enhanced as a safe haven with additional plants and animals in the fresh air and lush vegetation. Xiangzhou Zhengfang Holdings, operator of the park, reports that the birds have been flocking in since April.

Not long ago, many landscape trees such as Buddhist pines were transplanted to the park from along Zhuhai and Jiuzhou avenues and other major thoroughfares.


Xiangshan Lake Park

They were recently joined by nearly 200 trees, including sisals, pygmy date palms, and screwpines. This approach of moving the trees from roadsides is considered economical and can put them to their best use.

Similarly, 13 tons of Taihu stones, also known as porous stones, were relocated to the park after being smothered by dense bushes around city roads or under overpasses, according to Su Ruimin, deputy general manager of Zhuhai Zhengfang Public Resources Operation, a subsidiary of Xiangzhou Zhengfang Holdings.

Another creative touch is that 94 landscape lamps on arbors are uniquely designed to resemble bird nests, according to a designer. Their shape blends in with the surroundings.


Nature's work, left and center, vs ours, at right

There are also 350 m (383 yd) of protective fencing for the safety of visitors. Hemp ropes, natural branches, and simple minimalist designs add a certain rustic charm.

The operators have also created an "urban resort" near the path around the lake. Nearby are 400 sq m (480 sq yd) of sunflowers, 600 sq m (720 sq yd) of zinnia, and 1,500 sq m (1,795 sq yd) of tomatoes, upland rice, pumpkins, red basil, and other crops. It has become another must-visit attraction at the park as an urban setting of idyllic country life.

According to Su, other leisure and entertainment options including yachting will be introduced from June to enhance the park experience.


Trails around the lake


Leisure time for mallards [Photos by Wu Changfu / Zhujiang Evening Post]

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