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Qin, as in Hengqin, inspires 3 proposed CNU schools


Updated: 2019-06-05

Capital Normal University (CNU) of Beijing will build three public schools in Hengqin New Area under a cooperation agreement signed with the local Social Affairs Bureau on May 30.

Founded in 1954, CNU is notably comprehensive, offering courses in literature, science, engineering, management, law, education, and foreign languages. It forms part of the national Double First-Class Initiative to foster world-class universities with first-class disciplines.


Capital Normal University [Photo courtesy]

To be built in Hengqin are Ziqi Experimental Kindergarten, Boya Elementary School, and Ziqi Experimental School for nine-year compulsory education. The school names honor legendary Chinese friends Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi who were ideal companions because Zhong always truly appreciated any tune played by Yu on the seven-string zither (or qin as in Hengqin).

CNU will leverage its high-grade educational resources to fulfill the mission. Furthermore, it will assemble a chief expert and discipline improvement teams to assist at the three schools, while sending principals, backbone teachers, and academic pacesetters from affiliated schools to take office or teach there. 

The site and scale of the schools are yet to be announced by the Administrative Committee of Hengqin New Area.



New Hengqin schools will bear name of Yung Wing

A pair of schools bearing the name of Zhuhai native Yung Wing (Rong Hong) -- the forefather of Chinese overseas study -- will be built in Hengqin New Area and funded by Huafa Educational Investment Holdings Co.


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