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Plans pending on utilizing HZMB island for tourism


Updated: 2019-06-17

Tourism plans, conceptual designs, and upcoming support facilities for Eastern Island of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) will soon be announced.

The engineered island near Chek Lap Kok (Hong Kong) International Airport is the Hong Kong portal to a subsea tunnel. It is positioned as an integrated operation center for transportation, management, service, rescue, and sightseeing.

The Bridge Authority posted a notice on its website in April calling for tenders. It received ideas from top-level teams of the world tourism industry. The bids were reviewed last week. 


Tourist attraction

The HZMB has become a top draw for domestic and international tourists since opening last October. Many Hong Kong-bound travelers choose it not only for transportation, but also to have a close-up look at the man-made marvel.

As of June 6, bridge ports had already tallied more than 10 million crossings. Currently, daily traffic flow is 44,000, and that of people traveling between Zhuhai and Macao has risen to 7,000 due to diversion from Macao border gates.


Tunnel entrance 


Eastern Island [Photos by Li Jianshu / Zhujiang Evening Post]

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