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Others may duplicate what Ocean Springs does right


Updated: 2019-06-27

Tourist experiences and management practices at Zhuhai Ocean Spring Resort may soon be replicated elsewhere, it was announced at a launch conference on June 25.

Guangdong, Zhuhai, and Gaolan marketing officials joined representatives of China National Travel Service Group and China Standard Promoting Quality Science & Technology (Beijing) in offering visions of the future of hot springs tourism at the conference.

Ocean Spring Resort is situated on the Huangmao River with Ziji Mt in the background of Pingsha in Jinwan District. The resort is another masterwork of China National Travel Service Group after Window of the World, Shenzhen OCT Resort, and Splendid China Folk Culture Village. It offers one-stop service integrating hot springs, baths, starred accommodations, theme parks, holidaymaking, business conferences, characterized catering, healthcare, cultural performances, and sports-fitness.

It is one of 14 resorts in Guangdong that have been selected by the Standardization Administration of the PRC to pilot conformity over 160 items in the national service sector during a two-year period from December 2018 to December 2020.


Zhuhai Ocean Spring Resort [Photo courtesy Zhuhai Daily]

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