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Gongbei's Bar Street given Mediterranean character


Updated: 2019-07-16

Shuiwan Bar Street (Jiǔbā Jiē) in Gongbei is being renovated after typhoon damage and given an open-sky Mediterranean landscape, casual facilities, and seaside lighting in time for the Oct 1 National Day holiday.

The first phase in transforming the 17-year-old nightspot is underway. To start with, 82 damaged banyans have been transplanted elsewhere due to aesthetic and safety concerns, except for one commemoration tree on either side of Shuiwan Street that have kept. Ninety-four phoenix sylvestris were planted to create a tropical ambiance, while sailboat-shaped lampposts will highlight marine culture.

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Warm lighting

Meanwhile, the public square, rubbish transfer stations, public toilets, sentry boxes, tree grates, statues, dustbins, sidewalks, and bus stops will all be upgraded.

The second phase will shift the focus to lighting. Mediterranean-styled lamps will be added to the roots of trees in the square and along sidewalks, while those on the bar/restaurant facades will be replaced. Noticeably, 3D lighting of pedestrian areas promises to "satiate the street in romance."

The 15-million-yuan ($2.18-million) transformation is funded by Bar Street merchants under the initiative of the Gongbei Subdistrict Office.

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Artist's illustration of Shuiwan Bar Street

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Public square at intersection with Lian'an Road

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Environmental dustbins in sunlight [Photos courtesy WeChat account: zhizhuxia0756]

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