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First boats bid port in Old Xiangzhou farewell forever


Updated: 2019-08-08

The first fleet of auxiliary fishing vessels set sail toward Hongwan Central Fishing Port at around 9 am on Aug 6, ready to serve vessels that must relocate from Xiangzhou Fishing Port.

More than 400 fishing boat captains have until Aug 10 to settle in at Hongwan Central Fishing Port or elsewhere, according to the Agriculture & Rural Affairs Bureau.

Ice, water, maintenance, and transport vessels were among the first to sail permanently from Xiangzhou Fishing Port, which is off Lovers Avenue near Gangkou Road and Zhuhai Opera House on Yeli Island.

Located just south of the Zhuhai Bridge at the junction of the Modaomen and Maliuzhou waterways across from Macao, Hongwan Central Fishing Port opened last December. It has a fishing shoreline of 1,064 m (1,164 yd) and 1626.7-m (1,779 yd) reserved shoreline. Complying with national-level standards, there is a shelter, material replenishment center, refrigerated storage, auction hall, and fishery trading center. The infrastructure and related living and production facilities have been completed.  


Vessels sail for good from port abutting Yeli Island [Photo by Zhong Fan / Zhuhai Daily]



Farewell, Xiangzhou Port; harbor ready in Hongwan

Fishing boats are relocating between now and Aug 10 from their decades-old haven off Central Lovers Avenue in Old Xiangzhou to the new Hongwan Central Fishing Port just southeast of the Zhuhai Bridge. 

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