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Flavorful, appetizing, foods step up to promote Zhuhai


Updated: 2019-10-08

Zhuhai will host both the mouthwatering 2019 Belt & Road Cantonese Cuisine Development Forum and sumptuous Guangdong-Hong Kong- Macao Gourmet, Tourism & Culture Festival this December. 

Organizers say the events will give Cantonese cuisine (粤菜 Yuè cài) more global exposure while polishing Zhuhai's image as a "Capital of Leisure and Gourmet Food." They will continue to help Zhuhai's Cantonese cuisine industry through policies and support with the focus on: branding improvement, talent training, industrial development, and Zhuhai-Macao cooperation. 

During this year's events, the 1st Zhuhai-Hong Kong-Macao Cantonese Cuisine Chef Skills Invitational Tournament will be staged at Hi City on Yeli Island in Old Xiangzhou. 

The city will display cooking techniques, showcase tourism and gourmet products, and present distinctive delicacies of the city itself, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and Belt & Road countries. Among traditional Zhuhai dishes are: Doumen Baijiao Sea Bass, Hengqin Oysters, Wanshan Prawns, Baiteng Lotus Root, Hengshan Arrowroot, Dachikan Open Flame Roast Pork & Spareribs, Shangheng Steamed Yellow Sand Clams, Tangjiawan Mud-Baked Chicken, and Tang Family Big Dragon Cake.

During the festival, the World Federation of Chinese Catering Industry will honor a Zhuhai chef training center as an "International Cantonese Cuisine Training Base."


Making a Cantonese dish [File photo]

Early in April last year, the City of Zhuhai launched Guangdong's first Masters of Cantonese Cuisine project. By 2020, the province is expected to train more than 50,000 chefs and create 300,000 jobs. To date, Zhuhai has trained more than 1,200 Masters of Cantonese Cuisine. Three vocational colleges in the city have added Cantonese Cuisine-related majors to their curricula. 

Meanwhile, local efforts will promote rural revitalization and development through improving the skills of urban and rural workers, and thereby boost farm employment and incomes. 

Officials have supported the construction of seven chef training centers for Cantonese food and three Cantonese masters workshops, including two provincial-level training facilities and masters studios. 

Furthermore, Zhuhai will create tourism destinations and routes featuring Cantonese cuisines and explore new ways to integrate tourism with its Master of Cantonese Cuisine project.

Guangdong's Yuè dishes are among China's most renowned cuisines, the most famous of which are dim sum, siu mei (roast meat) and delicately cooked soups. Yuè delicacies also include, among much else: Shrimp Dumplings (虾饺Xiā Jiǎo), Rice Rolls (肠粉 Cháng Fěn), Steamed Pork Buns (叉烧包Chāshāo Bāo), Chicken Giblets (鸡杂 Jīzá), Turnip Cakes (萝卜糕 Luóbo Gāo), Sweet & Sour Spareribs (生炒排骨Shēng Chǎo Páigǔ), Choy Sum in Oyster Sauce (蚝油菜心Háoyóu Cài Xīn), and White Boiled Shrimp (白灼虾Báizhuóxiā).

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