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Doumen will celebrate wedding tradition, food, songs


Updated: 2019-10-25

The 8th Collective On-Water Wedding Ceremony featuring 18 pairs of newlyweds will reproduce the 400-year-old State-level intangible cultural heritage in Nan'ao Village on Sunday, Oct 27.

A key component of the 4th Doumen Folk Art Festival this weekend, the gathering includes newlyweds from nearby Zhongshan and Dongguan cities, Macao SAR, and Fujian, Hebei, Hunan, and Guangxi.

Also on offer will be a Lion Dance competition, Catching Mudfish contest, and demonstrations of Shatian Folk Songs, Burning Bamboo Stick Incense with Fire Dragon Dance, Sacrificial Rites of Imperial Family, and intangible cultural heritage delicacies in Jing'an, Lianzhou, and Baijiao towns. 


7th Collective On-Water Wedding Ceremony in 2018

The wedding will follow original waterside folk customs such as conducting the rituals and meeting the bride by boat accompanied by Shatian Folk Songs, savoring Poon Choi (basin cuisine) at a feast, and dwelling in rural home inns. All expenses including costumes and presents will be borne by the Doumen organizers.

The event is sponsored by Doumen District Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism & Sports Bureau and organized by the Doumen Culture Center under auspices of the Guangdong Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center and Zhuhai Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism & Sports Bureau.


Rituals during the wedding [Photos by Zeng Yao / Zhuhai Daily]


Lion Dance and fish cage weaving competitions, photo exhibition of intangible cultural heritages, and traditional culinary delicacies fair

9:30 am, Oct 26 at Jiexia Manor, Doumen Town

Zhao Clan Imperial Family Sacrificial Rites

10-11 am, Oct 26 at Nanmen Village, Doumen Town

13th Shatian Folk Songs Contest 

9-11 am, Oct 27 at Nan'ao Village, Baijiao Town

8th Collective On-Water Wedding Ceremony

8:30 am-noon, Oct 27 at Nan’ao Village, Doumen Town


GPS navigation to Nanmen Village, Doumen Town 斗门镇南门村

Buses 402, 609, K4 to Nanmen bus stop 在南门站下车

GPS navigation to Nan'ao Village, Doumen Town 斗门镇南澳村

Buses 4, K6, 826-6, 403 to Nan’ao Market bus stop 在南澳市场站下车



Doumen on-water wedding calling for newlyweds

The 4th Doumen Folk Art Festival will be staged Oct 20 to 27, featuring folk art shows, wedding ceremonies, competitions, leisure activities and culinary delicacies.

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