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Xiangzhou Port to handle bigger ships, more visitors


Updated: 2019-11-05

Construction will commence next month on three berths for 1,000-ton passenger ships and one berth for 1,000-ton passenger-cargo ro-ro (roll on/roll off vehicle) ships at Xiangzhou Port Ferry Terminal. 

In addition, three berths for 500-ton passenger vessels will be upgraded, parking spaces added, and facilities updated at the temporary terminal building. Pedestrian corridors and other support facilities will also be put in place, according to the Economic Development Bureau of the Wanshan Marine Development Experimental Zone. Upon completion, the ferry terminal will be capable of handling 1.4 million passengers annually.


Xiangzhou Port [Photo by Cheng Lin / Zhuhai Daily]

The ferry terminal is located off Central Lovers Avenue on Gangkou Road in Xiangzhou Bay northwest of Yeli Island. Since completion in 1997, it has served locals and visitors, and handled the transportation of island supplies.

Currently, the port operates routes from Xiangzhou as follows: Guishan-Lingding, Guishan-Dong'ao-Wanshan, Dong'ao-Wanshan, and Lingding-Dan'gan.

Construction is to span 18 months and investment is being made by the central and regional governments.

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