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Floss silk trees blossom in floral greenway of Hengqin


Updated: 2019-11-14

More than 7,500 floss silk trees (ceiba speciosa) are in full bloom along the 6.4-km (4-mile) Hengqin Flower Corridor section on North Qinhai Road between the Hengqin and Second Hengqin bridges.

The perky pink blossoms can be admired during strolls along the greenway. Later, the seed pods will be filled with fluffy white silk, while the trunks stay green, develop thorns, and become slightly bulbous as the plants mature. They can grow up to 40 ft tall.


Floss silk trees [Photo by Li Jianshu / Zhujiang Evening Post]

The corridor has four rest stations titled European, Ecological, Lingnan (Cantonese), and Coastal, which are equipped with toilets, lounges, and tourist service centers. Shared bikes and electric bicycles will later be added along the route.

Occupying 850,000 sq m (210 acres), the entire 14-km (8.7-mile) corridor stretches from the Hengqin Bridge to Mangzhou Wetland Park along the Modaomen Waterway. Floss silk, kapok (delonix regia), and flame trees, which, taken together, bloom all year round, are planted on both sides of the road. The florescence of floss silk trees lasts from October to December.


Use GPS Navigation to North Qinhai Road 琴海北路

Buses 14, 86, 88, K10, or K11 to South of Hengqin Bridge (横琴大桥南站), and walk 1 km (1,094 yd) to North Qinhai Road

Tourists in Hengqin can take the sightseeing buses to Flower Corridor (花海长廊) at Hongqi Bus Terminal (红旗村巴士总站), Sumcheetah (星奇塔无动力世界), and Hengqin Tourist Service Center.

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