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Chimelong will build up circuses based on successes


Updated: 2019-11-26

The visual extravaganza of the 6th China International Circus Festival hit a high note in Hengqin on Nov 23 with a closing ceremony featuring a joint performance by 10 acts from China and the Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival.

Chimelong Group has received more than 37 million spectators since it introduced circuses 20 years ago. Considering that success, it plans to build a first-class circus college while increasing talent creation and R&D expenditures to make its resorts world travel destinations.

Urs Pilz, vice president of the Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival, hailed it as the highest-level circus festival in the world, and a touchstone for global daredevils. 


Tenacious Jiu Er at closing ceremony [Photo by Wang Yuxin / Zhuhai Daily]

The Monte-Carlo festival, known as one of the world's top circus venues, partnered with the China International Circus Festival for show presentations for the first time.

A cooperation agreement was signed between Chimelong Group and Monte-Carlo on Nov 23 to promote circus art and culture worldwide, and to advance improvement and innovation of circus performances.

Meanwhile, Peter Dubinsky, CEO of Firebird Productions (an event and travel management firm and production company based in beautiful Vancouver, Canada), said there are new surprises each time he visits the China International Circus Festival. This year at Chimelong International Ocean Tourist Resort, the novel Long Xiu (Dragon Show) is beyond shock, he indicated.

During the eight-day event, 15 heart-thumping performances were brought by 24 circus troupes from 22 countries and regions. Seven of them, including Watch dogs, Exquisite Japan, Scandinavian Boards, Clowns "Comical Duos," and Tenacious Jiu Er (Group Formation Balance) are recipients of gold awards at other international circus festivals.



Circus acts from the world over coming to Chimelong

The 6th China International Circus Festival has scheduled 24 performances by world-class acrobats from 22 countries and regions from Nov 16 to 23.


Chimelong world circus acts certain to be outstanding

A wide range of acrobatic performances involving aerial stunts, clown shows, contortions, and magic will be brought to Zhuhai by world-renowned daredevils from 22 countries and regions during the Nov 16-23 China International Circus Festival.

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