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Jinwan leads nation in producing yellowfin seabream


Updated: 2019-12-09

Recognition as the "Hometown of Yellowfin Seabream" was granted Jinwan District by the China Aquatic Products Processing & Marketing Alliance (CAPPMA) after an investigation and review on Dec 4 and 5.

In 2018, Jinwan had more than 10,000 mu (1,647 acres) of breeding area and produced 15,000 tons of yellowfin seabream, accounting for 42 percent of Guangdong's supply and 19 percent of China's production. The output value exceeded 600 million yuan ($85 million), ranking first nationwide among districts, counties, and county-level cities.

Experts and scholars confirmed the superb natural conditions, product quality, industrial scale, market share, brand construction, scientific and technological support, and socioeconomic benefits of Jinwan's yellowfin seabream after reviewing materials, hearing reports, making inquiries, and conducting the on-site investigations and discussions.


Review meeting [Photo by Zhang Zhou / Zhuhai Daily]

Jinwan, the home of Zhuhai (Jinwan) Airport, has vast fresh and salt water areas and abundant bait. Based on such advantageous natural conditions, it began artificial breeding of yellowfin seabream in the 1980s and developed a "refined" and "mixed" breeding mode from long-term practices. The yellowfin seabream it produces features bright scales and smooth and tender meat, and thus sells well.

The sector, which financially benefits local farmers, has become the city's demonstration industry for rural revitalization. Currently, Jinwan is home to demonstration farms for healthy breeding of the Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Affairs, provincial and municipal aquaculture fine-seedling farms, provincial standardization demonstration bases, and 20 registered farms that export to Hong Kong.

An R&D system integrating industry and academic research has taken shape. The district provides key support for studies on seedling breeding, fine seedling selection and breeding, healthy breeding, and disease control. A Guangdong Provincial Yellowfin Seabream Modern Agriculture Industrial Park has also been established.

In addition to a complete industrial chain, Jinwan has attached great importance to brand cultivation. It has founded multiple renowned brands and had its products recognized as Top 10 Famous & High-quality Zhuhai Agricultural Products and Famous, Characterized & High-quality Guangdong Agricultural Products.

The review was conducted by CAPPMA, the South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute and Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, and Zhuhai Modern Agriculture Development Center.

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