North section of Erjing Wetland Park open to public
Phase I of Hengqin Erjing Bay Wetland Park recently opened to the public in an environment of mangrove forest, reeds, Chinese silvergrass, groves, hygrophytes, birds, and boardwalks.
Birds from the deep forest and disparate blooms in the Hygrophytes Zone of the 530,000-sq-m (131-acre) Phase I area on the north side of the Central Ditch further enhance the atmosphere.
Erjing Bay Wetland Park [Photo provided by constructor Zhuhai Da Heng Qin Holdings Co]
The entire 3.32 million-sq-m (820-acre) park is on the east bank of the Modaomen River on both sides of the Central Ditch and stretching south to the east end of the upcoming Jinhai Avenue Bridge. It is a significant part of the Overall Plan of National Wetland Parks in Hengqin New Area (2017-26), which also includes Mangzhou Wetland Park. It is a mangrove protection base, ecological R&D education center, and demonstration zone for ecological and humanistic arts.
The second phase is under development as a core sightseeing area.
The Mangrove Forest Conservation Zone has a vast holding of shrubs including aegiceras corniculatum (river mangrove), kandelia candel, bruguiera gymnorhiza (black mangrove), rhizophora stylosa (spotted mangrove), and avicennia marina (grey mangrove).
The park administration is committed to ecological restoration and headwater conservation as well as the integration of scientific research, education, leisure, and tourism functions.