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Spring Festival flowers open charms for the holidays


Updated: 2020-01-13

Great swaths of vibrant flowers have come into full bloom to beautify Chinese Spring Festival on Yeli Island and Haibin parks, as well as along Zhuhai, Gangwan, and South Lovers avenues in Xiangzhou District.


Spider flowers and daisy-like coreopsis along South Lovers Avenue in Shuiwan Tou, Jida.

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Violets of blue, magenta, and burgundy adorn entrance at Yeli Island Park in Old Xiangzhou


Haibin Park has 2,000 sq m (2,392 sq yd) of daisy-like coreopsis and zinnia elegans at its north and east entrances, parking lots, and beside the central pond in Jida


More than 2,700 sq m (3,229 sq yd) of seasonal flowers such as daisy-like coreopsis on Zhuhai Avenue greenbelt west of Qianshan Bridge in Nanping


Assorted blooms brighten Gangwan Avenue north of Lovers Avenue [Photos by Zhong Fan, Cheng Lin, Wu Changfu, Ye Qiuming & Chen Jiazhe / Zhuhai Daily]


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