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WeChat account furnishes all-inclusive data on virus


Updated: 2020-02-10

The Zhuhai Epidemic Prevention & Control Service Platform went online Feb 6 to provide timely, precise, and all-round information and services related to the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak.

The platform was jointly developed by the Zhuhai Health Bureau and Zhuhai Media Group relying on big data and cloud platform technologies. Users can access it from WeChat accounts zhtqb12345 and zhuhaifabu.

The Latest News column will post the latest daily epidemic bulletin from the Zhuhai Health Bureau, including the pathogenetic process and motion trails of confirmed cases.


Zhuhai Epidemic Prevention & Control Service interface [Photo courtesy WeChat account: zhtqb12345]

The Map of Confirmed Cases shows the distribution of confirmed cases in satellite mapping via GPS automatic positioning. Precautions can be taken by residents based on the activity zone of the closest confirmed patients.

Meanwhile, users can also check Travel Route Query to see if their air, rail, metro, coach, bus, taxi, and ferry trips crossed sites of confirmed cases.

The resources Popular Science, Symptoms of 2019-nCoV, and Online Consultation will help users determine their health condition and take preventative measures, while potential patients can navigate to the nearest outpatient service via Designated Hospitals.

In addition to Refuting Rumors, the platform is linked to Zhuhai's most authoritative epidemic information release platform, Guanhai App by Zhuhai Media Group.

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