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Zhuhai firms resume operations to restore economy


Updated: 2020-02-12

Approval to resume work was granted to 3,113 local industrial enterprises as of Feb 9 to ensure a stable economic situation in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, according to the Zhuhai Industry & Information Technology Bureau.

Of the enterprises, 158 were producing key supplies prior to Feb 9 and 387 are above a designated size.

Currently, all mask, disinfectant, and related medical supply manufacturers in the city are operating with a daily production capacity of 25,000 disposable medical masks, 8,000 N95 masks, 40,000 thermometers, 1.44 million units of azithromycin antibiotic, and 30 tons of disinfectants.


Negative-pressure ambulances produced by Zhuhai Pengyu Automobile in Jinwan District [Photo by Zhang Zhou / Zhujiang Evening Post]

Moreover, Zhuhai Pengyu Automobile is manufacturing one to two negative-pressure purification system ambulances each day, and nine such urgently needed vehicles have been delivered to epidemic areas throughout the country.

Notably, five types of novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) rapid test kits developed by Livzon Pharmaceutical Group of Zhuhai have been filed with the National Medical Products Administration for emergency approval.

The Zhuhai Industry & Information Technology Bureau has stipulated requirements related to prevention and control, facilities, and supplies, employee screening, internal management, publicity, safe production, and information declarations for the enterprises upon their resuming operation in a safe and orderly manner.

The bureau will now supervise the epidemic prevention and control measures of the companies and help them address raw material and labor shortages, and transport difficulties in collaboration with human resources and social security and health authorities.

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