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Medical packages, necessities pass quickly between Zhuhai and Macao


Updated: 2020-02-12

Medical and daily supplies are moving swiftly though green channels as Zhuhai and Macao customs authorities work together on prevention and control during the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) outbreak.

The shipments and border crossings are affected little since opening hours at Gongbei Checkpoint were shortened by three hours to 6 am to 10 pm as of Jan 27. Traffic is being diverted from Gongbei Checkpoint to the nearby Zhuhai-Macao Cross-Border Industrial Zone and Hengqin checkpoints, which allow 24-hour clearance, although backflows and congestion still occur during peak hours.

Congestion has also been greatly alleviated as Gongbei Customs informs travelers of relevant regulations, provides an electronic declaration QR code, issues health declaration forms in advance, and releases passengers in batches during peak periods.


Gongbei Customs officers inspect NCP-related supplies [Photo by Zhao Zi & Yu Bo to Zhuhai Daily]

As for epidemic prevention and control supplies, Gongbei Customs initiated one-to-one instant clearance at the dedicated green channels and service windows on Jan 25. A 24-hour online service platform and hotline 12360 are available for consultations.

The Cross-Border Industrial Zone Checkpoint in Maoshengwei handles the bulk of the clearance of imported NCP-related supplies via Macao. It has assigned staff to ensure that the materials are released upon arrival.

Moreover, export channels moving fresh agricultural products to Macao also run smoothly. Merchants can reserve declaration at Gongbei Customs at any time, and their products will be released at 6 am daily. For example, customs passed 1,365 Macao-bound vehicles loaded with 5,368 tons of fresh agricultural products during Spring Festival.

Multiple field investigations have been conducted by Zhuhai officials and All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese vice president. Liu Yiliang, on Macao’s behalf. Customs, immigration, port, public affairs, and health authorities of the two areas are also considering countermeasures using point-to-point contacts.

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