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Hengqin Checkpoint, Flex Park embody the way back


Updated: 2020-02-21

Construction of the new Hengqin Checkpoint & Comprehensive Transport Hub on the Macao border resumed on Feb 18 while the production of automatic circuit boards is rising at the massive Flex Zhuhai Industrial Park in Doumen.

By March 1, more than a thousand workers will have returned to their Hengqin Checkpoint posts in four contingents. Meanwhile in Doumen, untold thousands of employees have been on the job at Flex Zhuhai Industrial Park since Feb 11. Both sites are covered by strict prevention and control measures and supportive government policies.

Some 330 rooms have been earmarked in Hengqin as dormitories for health monitoring migrant workers. Ample supplies of masks, hand sanitizers, and medical alcohol are in stock at the construction site, enough to cover needs for over two weeks.

To get back on schedule, construction is being resumed in order of priority, from the Entry Inspection Hall on the Macao side, Exit Inspection Hall and Transport Hub in Zhuhai to the Joint Inspection Building, municipal roads, and associated commercial projects.

With floorage of 1.31 million sq m (324 acres), the 26-billion-yuan ($3.7-billion) checkpoint is expected to handle 222,000 border crossings daily and an annual throughput of 80 million people.


New Hengqin Checkpoint [Photo by Li Jianshu / File photo]

Significantly, Flextronics Manufacturing (Zhuhai), which occupies 10 buildings at Xinqing Science & Technology Industrial Park in Jing'an Town of Doumen District resumed production on Feb 11. With 50,000 employees at the park, Flex, formerly Flextronics, is a Singapore-headquartered supplier of electronic manufacturing services (EMS). Reportedly half of the Flex Manufacturing employees are back running the third-largest automatic circuit board production lines in the world and fulfilling more than half of its production capacity.

Ten supportive measures issued by the Zhuhai Municipal People's Government and 20 supportive measures by local tax authorities are providing practical economic relief, said Li Bin, general manager of Flex Zhuhai Industrial Park.


Flex printed circuit board production line [Photo by Zeng Yao / Zhuhai Daily]



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