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Multi-plate vehicles temporarily banned from Zhuhai


Updated: 2020-04-02

Motor vehicles with Guangdong-Macao or Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao license plates are prohibited, for now, from entering Zhuhai as of 10 am on Thursday, April 2, according to the city's Command Center for COVID-19 Prevention & Control.

Passage still is allowed however, for trucks, emergency government vehicles, funeral vans or coaches, and into Hengqin New Area and the Zhuhai-Macao Cross-Border Industrial Zone for vehicles with sanctioned Macao-only plates.

Border crossers who previously used Car Appliance Crew Inspection channels may now enter Zhuhai via the Passenger Inspection Hall.


Truck with Guangdong-Macao license plates enters Zhuhai prior to temporary prohibition [Photo by Zhao Zi / WeChat account: zhtqb12345]

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