Hengqin tunnel hollowed for Gongbei-Airport railway
The first tunnel along Zhuhai Airport Urban Rail Transit Phase II, running 23 km (14 miles) from Hengqin New Area to Zhuhai (Jinwan) Airport, was broken through on April 1.
Spanning 398 m (435 yd) on Hengqin Island, the Jingwan Tunnel consists of a single-opening double-track structure. Drilling, blasting, rubble loading and transport, shotcrete-bolt support, and lining proceeded smoothly with the aid of multi-functional operation platforms, loaders, full cross-section lining formwork trolleys, and dump trucks.
Workers celebrate breakthrough of Jingwan Tunnel [Photo by Meng Qinghu, Hou Liwen & Shou Chunmiao to Guanhai App]
The project team overcame multiple challenges including complex geological structure and risks of collapses in shallow-buried sections by using all-round plans, early precautions, stringent supervision, and frequent measurements.
One-third and one-fourth respectively of the construction of the 4,763-m (5,209-yd) Hengqin and 774-m (846-yd) Shangniujiao tunnels of the project, also undertaken by China Railway No 8 Engineering Group, has been completed.
Zhuhai Airport Urban Rail Transit Phase II is to be finished by January 2023, while the 17-km (10.5-mile) Phase I from Intercity MRT Zhuhai Station in Gongbei to Hengqin Chimelong Station became eligible for operation on Nov 20, 2019.
Upon completion of the entire project, it will take only 30 minutes travel from Gongbei to the airport. The line will link up the intercity mass rail transit systems of Zhuhai, Guangzhou, and Foshan to form a comprehensive transportation network in the Pearl River Delta, which will reach Macao as well.
Sanzao yard producing bridge girders for rail to airport
Box girder construction commenced Nov 10 on Zhuhai Airport Urban Rail Transit Phase II in a yard near East Airport Road in Sanzao Town, Jinwan District.