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Crossings progressively go up at Gongbei Checkpoint


Updated: 2020-08-06

Daily traveler volume at Gongbei Checkpoint exceeded 200,000 Aug 4 for the first time since February, rebounding to half of last year's average under relaxed policies at the Zhuhai-Macao border.

Most border crossers are non-resident Chinese Macao commuters who live in Zhuhai. Numbers will gradually return to normal, said Zhou Conglin, spokesperson for the Gongbei Frontier Inspection Station.


Crossing numbers increase at Gongbei Checkpoint [Photo by Cheng Lin & Zhang Xiao to Guanhai App]

In response, Gongbei Checkpoint has opened an adequate number of inspection channels, assigned extra staff, and coordinates with Macao frontier inspection authorities to ensure smooth flow amid well-executed epidemic prevention and control measures.

The Macao SAR government eased quarantine measures on July 13 so that Macao-bound mainland residents were no longer subject to 14-day mandatory medical observation upon arrival. Likewise, as of July 15, those entering Guangdong Province from Macao were not quarantined for two weeks.

Each traveler must show a health record with a negative coronavirus test result upon arrival at border checkpoints. Confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients, close contacts, ones with fevers or respiratory symptoms, and those who have traveled offshore within 14 days are excluded from the provision, however.

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