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Ambitious plan puts millions toward Biomed cluster


Updated: 2020-08-21

Newly settled leading enterprises will receive up to 200 million yuan ($29 million) under city government plans to foster a biomedicine industrial cluster with output value of 100 billion yuan ($14 billion) by 2035. 

By then the city want to house at least two enterprises with an output value of over 5 billion yuan ($723 million) and to have developed 10 new marketed drugs. To realize the goals, the Action Plan for Zhuhai to Propel High-Quality Development of Biomedicine Industry (2020-25) (Draft for Public Review & Comment) was recently released along with a series of polices.

Accordingly, Zhuhai's biomedical development will focus on the transformation and upgrade of chemical drugs, breakthrough in key biological pharmacy technology, standardization and internationalization of modern traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), industrialization of high-end preparations, R&D and industrialization of medium and high-end medical equipment, and innovative integration of the big health industry.

Hengqin New Area will develop and internationalize the TCM industry relying on the TCM Science & Technology Industrial Park of Cooperation Between Guangdong & Macao. Construction of the Peking University-University of Macau TCM Innovation Research Institute will be advanced for value-added incubation and transformation of TCM sci-tech achievements.


Zhuhai International Health Port [Photo by Zhang Zhou / Zhuhai Daily]

A National New-type Industrialized Industry Demonstration Base, Jinwan District will accelerate construction of the 10-sq-km (2,471-acre) Zhuhai International Health Port Phase II in Sanzao Town and improve the integrated industrial chain of chemical and biological drugs, medical equipment, and healthcare products.

In addition, a 2-sq-km (494-acre) medical equipment industrial cluster centered on the Tangjiawan Medical Equipment R&D Base will take form in the National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone.

To advance the synergetic development of biomedicine in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Zhuhai will further cooperate with Guangzhou and Shenzhen in product R&D, inspection and testing, and clinical tests, and advance mutual investment. It will encourage local enterprises to order TCM from plantations in Zhaoqing City in Midwest Guangdong Province.

Moreover, Zhuhai will further work with Hong Kong and Macao relying on TCM park and Macao Science & Technology Development Fund. Biomedical research institutes and laboratories will be established in collaboration with Macao universities.

Supplementing the action plan, 19 measures were released related to R&D innovation, public service platform construction, enterprise introduction and incubation, and industrial environment improvement.

A key municipal project, an agreement was signed May 26 between Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings and Hengqin New Area to invest 2 billion yuan ($279.5 million) in 12 projects spanning headquarters, scientific research, industry, culture, and healthcare.


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