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Stamps capture Zhuhai highlights over the decades


Updated: 2020-08-24

Eleven sets of China Postal stamps, postcards, and envelopes featuring Zhuhai have been released since the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) was established in 1980, bearing witness to remarkable development over the past 40 years.


Commemorative stamp of "Zhuhai SEZ" issued Dec 10, 1994 showing the sea, Fisher Maiden, and Holiday Resort Hotel


Commemorative stamped postcard of China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition (Airshow China) series issued Nov 15, 1998 displaying aerobatics and grounds displays


Stamped postcard issued Nov 6, 2003 presenting logo of World Economic Development Declaration Conference held in Zhuhai


Stamped envelope of "Beautiful Zhuhai" honoring 25th anniversary of the SEZ issued Aug 25, 2005, with the Fisher Maiden statue and Xianglu Bay


Special stamp of "Modern Lighthouse" series in memory of 16th conference of the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation & Lighthouse Authorities in Shanghai issued May 22, 2006 with an image Guishan Island Lighthouse


Stamp of “Early Leaders of the Communist Party of China (CPC)” series in memory of 85th anniversary of the founding of the CPC issued June 30, 2006 with a portrait of Su Zhaozheng


Stamped postcard of "Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB)" issued March 24, 2010, to mark 100th day since construction began


Special stamp of "Chinese Ancient Towns" series issued May 19, showing bell tower in Huitong Village, Tangjiawan Town


Commemorative stamp of 10th Airshow China series issued Nov 11, 2014 showing Shenzhou manned spacecraft and Long March rockets


Commemorative stamps of "HZMB" series issued Oct 30, 2018 to mark bridge opening depicting the East Island, subsea tunnel, and Qingzhou Channel Overpass


Commemorative stamp of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area issued Sept 26, 2019 depicting HZMB, currency symbols and residents exercising… [Photos courtesy WeChat account: zhtqb12345]

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