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Expressway bridge smartly raised over Zhuhai Ave


Updated: 2020-08-25

The Hezhou-Gaolan Port Expressway bridge over Zhuhai Avenue was connected end-to-end on Aug 20 after a short construction period, high risks, and complex environment had been overcome.

The 149-m (163-yd) overpass was erected over Zhuhai's busy thoroughfare, which is traveled by 170,000 vehicles daily between the city's east and west wings. 

To alleviate the impact on daytime traffic, work continued through three consecutive nights and hoisting time was cut from an expected 16 to five days through the use of large and small cranes and lifting jacks.


Zhuhai Avenue overpass erected [Photo by Chen Xinnian / Guanhai App]

Segment I of the Hezhou-Gaolan Port Expressway goes 5 km (3 miles) from the Hezhou South Interchange at South Hezhou Reclamation Area in Jinwan District to the Jiangmen-Zhuhai Expressway. Construction by CCCC 2nd Harbor Engineering involved casting 141 rows of bridge piers, and production and hoisting of 1,328 precast and 12 steel box girders.

Also known as the west extension line of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the 34.16-km (21-mile) Hezhou-Gaolan Port Expressway is a significant part of Zhuhai's road network. It connects to the Honghe Bridge and Jiangmen-Zhuhai Expressway in the east and Gaolan Port Expressway in the west.

In addition, it also accesses the Zhuhai section of the Guangzhou-Macao and Airport expressways, which makes for closer ties to downtown, the west wing, and Gaolan Port Economic Zone. With a designed speed limit of 100 kmph (62 mph), the dual six lane expressway will reduce travel time between Xiangzhou District and the Gaolan Port Economic Zone to 30 minutes.



Road will bring Gaolan Port, Gongbei closer by 2022

The Hezhou-Gaolan Port Expressway has entered its second phase of construction running across the Jitimen Waterway, under Gaolan Port Express Road, through Lianwan Mt, and over Zhuhai Avenue at the Nanshui Interchange.

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