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Captivating Doumen culture infuses fair atmosphere


Updated: 2020-09-22

Folk custom shows, competitions, tourism activities, and intangible cultural heritage presentations are being staged at the 5th Doumen District Folk Culture Fair through Sept 27.

Promoting the fair on Sept 19, the 9th Collective On-Water Wedding Ceremony witnessed 18 newlywed couples reenact the 400-year-old State-level intangible cultural heritage in Nan'ao Village, Baijiao Town.

Other intangible cultural heritages such as Burning Bamboo Stick Incense on the 30th day of the Seventh Lunar Month, Sacrificial Rites of Imperial Family, One-Thumb Massage, and Cantonese Operatic Songs & Operas are also being revived at the fair.


On-Water Wedding [Photo by Zhao Zi / Zhuhai Daily]

A food exhibition is giving out for free: local Wormwood Rice Cake, Pipa Duck, Hengshan Preserved Duck Bundles (Ya Zha Bao), Dachikan Open Flame Roast Pork & Spare Ribs, Shrimp Glutinous Rice Cakes, and Tangjiawan and Dingjiawan Tea Refreshments.

Also being presented are the 14th Shatian Folk Song, Lion Dance & Fish Cage Weaving and 19th Opera & Quyi (which describes folk storytelling, singing, and cross-talk) competitions, plus intangible cultural heritage photograph and Zhaoqing Duan Inkstone exhibitions.

The main venues of the fair are Jiexia Manor in Nanmen Village of Doumen Town and Nan'ao Village of Baijiao Town, while parallel sessions are spread across the district.

The event is hosted by the Doumen District Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism & Sports Bureau under auspices of the Guangdong Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center, Guangdong Intangible Cultural Heritage Promotion Association, and Zhuhai Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism & Sports Bureau. The Doumen Culture Center and Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center are handling it locally.


GPS navigation to Nanmen Village, Doumen Town 斗门镇南门村

Buses 402, 609, K4 to Nanmen bus stop 在南门站下车

GPS navigation to Nan'ao Village, Doumen Town 斗门镇南澳村

Buses 4, K6, 826-6, 403 to Nan'ao Market bus stop 在南澳市场站下车

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