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Dong'ao boardwalks line seaside and scale mountain


Updated: 2020-11-05

The coastal and forest boardwalks and Honeymoon Pavilion at Miyue Mt Scenic Area Phase I will open to visitors by Spring Festival (Feb 12), linking the natural scenery, cultural landscapes, and resort hotels on Dong'ao Island.

One part of the seaside boardwalk extends from Diamond Beach at Nansha Bay, while another section connects to the forest walkway leading to the mountaintop Honeymoon (Miyue) Pavilion. 

The beach boardwalk will have three transparent sections to create an illusion of walking on the sea. A ring-shaped trestle bridge in the middle section will protrude 281 m (307 yd) into the brine. Visitors will walk close to high waves and steep rock surfaces, according to Tian Haiyan, a designer at the Zhuhai Institute of Urban Planning & Design.


Seaside boardwalk on Dong'ao Island [Photo by Zeng Yao / Guanhai App]

Elsewhere, the boarded forest walk will provide a dominant view of the entirety of Dong'ao Island, with vistas of the sky, sea, mountains, and scattered islands.

Of note, the coastal and forest wooden planks have no steps and a gradient of 1:16 to increase accessibility for seniors, children, and others. In addition, a 120-m (131-yd) escalator can take visitors from a hillside platform to the mountaintop Honeymoon Pavilion. Construction of an electromobile passage is also underway.

To date, 320 m (350 yd) of the coastal boardwalk and 470 m (514 yd) of the forest boardwalk have been completed, as has the new façade of the Honeymoon Pavilion, said Lin Yongjun, chief engineer of Zhuhai Zhengfang Urban Construction.

Using a "green" concept, the boardwalk project causes minimal damage to rocks, mountains, and plants. The excavated slope will be restored and re-landscaped at a later stage, said Wang Tao, director of the Public Construction Bureau of the Wanshan Marine Development Experimental Zone.

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