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Photos display Zhuhai from obscurity to prominence


Updated: 2020-11-06

The Zhuhai Special Economic Zone's (SEZ) extraordinary growth from a remote border town into an advanced garden-styled coastal city is exhibited in photographs at the Gallery of Zhuhai SEZ Art Academy in Jida for free through Nov 25.


Exhibition of Historical Sites in Zhuhai [Photo by Zhu Xi / Guanhai App]

An "Ode to the 40th anniversary of the Zhuhai SEZ," the exhibition consists of four parts: Pearl of the South China Sea, Diligent 40 Years, Zhuhai-Macao Ties, and Glorious New Chapters. On display are 200 photos showing the city's history, culture, changing cityscape, achievements, key projects, and cooperation with Macao. They are selected from more than 6,000 submissions from across the country, according to Chen Weilu, president of the Zhuhai Photographers Association.

The exhibition is mounted by the Zhuhai Photographers Association under the auspices of the Photography Art Center of the China Federation of Literacy & Art Circles, Publicity Department of the CPC Zhuhai Municipal Committee, and Zhuhai Federation of Literacy & Art Circles.

Nov 4-25

1/F, Zhuhai Culture & Art Building (珠海文艺大厦)

1115 East Jiuzhou Ave, Jida, Xiangzhou District

Buses 3, 3A, 4, 12, or 23 to Zhuhai Diantai (Zhuhai Radio Station 珠海电台)


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