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Jinwan anticipates 338 cyclists for 9th race this Sunday


Updated: 2020-11-18

Cyclists are expecting breathtaking sea, beach, and mountain views as they speed through tunnels and around bends in the 9th Aviation New Town Cup Road Cycling Race in Jinwan District on Sunday, Nov 22.

The 338 contestants will start and finish at Yangguang (Sunshine) Curve on West Airport Road. Those in the Challenge Group will ride 28 km (17 miles) via Yangguang Curve Tunnel, By-Health Transparent Factory, Anji Road, Zhuhai (Jinwan) Airport, and Mutouchong Village.

Racers in the Elite and Open groups must complete laps on a 7-km (4-mile) rolling circuit between Yangguang Curve and 14th Dingwan Road. Traffic will be controlled on the routes during the match.


Previous session [Photo by Guan Mingrong / Nanfangplus]

Leading domestic teams Giant Santic and Neco Honour are expected to do well. On the recognizable roster are Xia Wei, Zhao Guibao, Hu Hao, Huang Jianlin, Ma Zequan, and Zou Rongxi.

An LED screen will provide professional commentary, while there also will be webcast and photo live broadcasts.

Held eight times since 2012, the event is one of the highest-level amateur cycling competitions in Guangdong Province, said Yu Guolu, director of the Jinwan District Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism & Sports Bureau.

However, the scale of the event is narrowed this year as only riders from domestic areas with low risks for COVID-19 may take part. The cycling track has also been adjusted to reduce mass gatherings and to detour around construction sites.

In addition to cycling, Jinwan will also put on hiking, circuit off-road races, mini marathons, canoe-kayak and cross-country races to promote fitness for all and boost tourism-sport integration.

In October, the district was named a Demonstration Zone for All-for-One Tourism in Guangdong. It will improve the tourism infrastructure and services and host relevant events relying on its abundant aviation, industrial, coastal, and Red (revolutionary) travel resources.

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