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Decade of Hengqin New Area displayed at Huafa Mall


Updated: 2020-11-23

The transformation of Hengqin New Area since being established Dec 16, 2009 to support Macao's economic diversification is being exhibited in photographs at Huafa Mall in Nanping through Nov 29.

The exhibition is open to the public at no charge. It uses news reports and other texts to showcase the mushrooming high-rises, aggregated industrial resources, preferential policies, deepened Hengqin-Macao integration, and cohesion of the people.   


Hengqin Free Trade Zone under construction [Photo courtesy WeChat account: hengqinxinqu]

Furthermore, the Video Exhibition Zone has a collection of local moments that have been broadcast by Zhuhai Television.

The exhibits include Flower Corridor, Mangzhou Wetland Park, Chimelong Ocean Kingdom, music carnivals, and construction workers, visionaries at Macau-Hengqin Youth Entrepreneurship Valley (Inno Valley HQ), and medical staff on the frontline of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The event is organized by the Hengqin New Area Administrative Committee and Zhuhai Media Group.

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