Desert habitat created at Sea & Sky Botanical Garden
More than 260 desert plants of 54 species now emulate a desert environment at the Botanical Garden of Sea & Sky (Haitian) Park, Old Xiangzhou.
There now are 100 varieties of tropical plants in the Botanical Garden, including rarely seen 7-m-tall (23-ft) euphorbia ammak (desert cactus) and stetsonia coryne (toothpick cactus). White and brown kalanchoe beharensis (elephant's ear), and myrtillocactus geometrizans (bilberry cactus) are not seen elsewhere in Zhuhai.
Orchids and tropical plants in the Botanical Garden [Photo by Liu Jiacheng / Guanhai App]
Colorful rocks within the glass structure simulate a natural desert habitat in the 900-sqm (3,230-sqft) building. The décor is animated with forms of camels, vultures, lizards, and chameleons. The park can be viewed from a wooden rooftop stand that will be upgraded next year.
Outside are plant clusters of aloe, euphorbia milii (crown of thorns), maguey (a fleshy-leaf plant), and euphorbia trigona (African milk tree). The flower stalk of one maguey already reaches over people's heads.
Zhuhai Yuehua Landscaping Construction Management plans to establish the garden as a top-level venue to science popularize desert plants by using 5G technology, and intelligent tour guide and large-screen naked-eye 3D interaction systems.
Located between East Meihua Road and Central Lovers Avenue and north of the Zhuhai Museum & Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, the garden is open and admission-free from 10 am to 6 pm daily except Mondays.