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Exhibit: Olden by-land meets modern by-sea Silk Road


Updated: 2021-01-12

More than 100 cultural relics depicting civic life at West Market (Xishi) – an international trade center in Xi’an during the Tang Dynasty (618-907) – are showcased at the Zhuhai Museum through May 10.

Clothing, food, residence, travel, and entertainment exhibits offer a glimpse of Tang lifestyles and the prosperity of West Market in the Silk Road trade. Highlights include a tricolor horse pottery figurine, pot with both phoenix-head spout and compact, two-ear black-glaze pitch-pot, and white lotus-shaped pedestal with honeysuckle patterns.


Horse pottery figurine [Photo by Chen Jiazhe / Guanhai App]

The admission-free exhibition marks the first cooperation between Xi'an Tang West Market and Zhuhai museums, and a fusion of the Maritime and overland Silk Roads. Zhuhai is a significant hub on the Maritime Silk Road whereas the 1,300-year-old West Market was the starting point of the Silk Road during the Sui and Tang dynasties (581-907), said Wang Xiaorong, deputy curator of the Tang West Market Museum.

Wang expressed hopes of expanding cooperation and exchanges with the Zhuhai Museum to bring locals more fascinating exhibitions. 

Located at 88 Haihong Road, Xiangzhou District, the Zhuhai Museum is open to the public for free 9 am to 5 pm, Tuesdays to Sundays (national statutory holidays subject to notice). Reservations can be made at WeChat account ZHmuseum or on-site with valid ID documents.

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