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Miles of green channels, clean rivers required in report


Updated: 2021-04-25

Zhuhai is to have 221 km (137 miles) of green channels by next year and 265.3 km (165 miles) by 2025, with clear administration of cross-border waterways and staunch pollution treatment of the Qianshan River.

The objective is outlined in the "Opinions on Supporting Zhuhai in Building a Modernized & Internationalized Special Economic Zone in the New Era of Socialism With Chinese Characteristics" report released March 29 by the Guangdong government and Party committee.

Liang Jieming, chief engineer of the Zhuhai Water Affairs Bureau, reported that 32.7 km (20 miles) of green channels were built last year, and 86.1 km (54 miles) are being added in 2021.


Baishi Bridge over the Qianshan River [Photo by Wu Changfu / Zhujiang Evening Post]

In addition, preliminary work for the second phase of pollution treatment of the Qianshan River will proceed under improved cooperation and management between Zhuhai and Zhongshan cities.

Under a 2020 engineering procurement construction mode, 4.29 billion yuan ($660.7 million) was invested in the treatment of the Qianshan River. There were 71.6 km (44 miles) of municipal pipeline built or renovated, and 542 km (337 miles) of community pipelines built for rainwater-sewage separation.

River maintenance and dredging, and watershed pipelines were installed last year along with the renovation and expansion of Guangchang Sluice Gate in Nanping Town. As a result, water quality at Shijiaozui Sluice Gate on the Zhuhai-Zhongshan border improved from IV in 2019 to III in 2020, the best level in five years.

Next, Zhuhai will also further negotiate with Macao to sort out which administers the Yachong boundary river. The pollution treatment project, for instance, is to be handed over to Zhuhai for overall maintenance and cleanup.

Tianmu River-Mangzhou Wetland Park in Hengqin New Area will be demonstrated as a provincial pilot green channel, as will city-level pilot green channels such as Xiangshan Lake in New Xiangzhou and the Huangyang River and Sanzao Bay Seawall in Doumen District.



Green Channels take form in Hengqin and elsewhere

Steady headway is being made in developing Hengqin New Area's Green Channel sections, both of which are placed at the provincial demonstration level.


Zhuhai undertakes major expansion of green channels

Plans to further improve the Zhuhai ecological environment and build waterborne tourism were announced Dec 15 by the city government.

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