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Children invited to rub inscriptions at Zhuhai Museum


Updated: 2021-05-19

Zhuhai Museum embarked upon a series of activities May 18 varying from inscription rubbing to a Gu Yuan watercolor exhibition to mark International Museum Day.

White-on-black inscription rubbing is open to youngsters aged 6 to 15 from 9:30-11:30 am, 12:30-2:30 pm, and 2:50-4.50 pm, Tuesdays to Sundays. It takes place in a 40-sqm (432-sq-ft) room containing 35 stone tablets by Bao Jun (Pao Chün), Huang Huaisen, Li Hanfen, and Rao Zongyi, according to curator Zhang Jianjun.

Those under 12 should be accompanied by a parent. Reservations must be made in advance at the official website or Wechat account ZHmuseum. The consultation hotlines are 0756-3324708/3324116.


A sheet of moistened paper is placed on the inscribed surface and tamped into every depression with a brush. After the surface is dried, it is tapped with an inked pad. The paper is then peeled from the stone. [Photo courtesy Zhuhai Museum]

The watercolor exhibition of Gu Yuan opened concurrently with a culture and history-themed book bar set up by the Zhuhai Library at the museum. The bar shares the same card and electronic book resources of the library and offers self-service card application and lending/returning services.

Moreover, Nanping singers Liang Liumei and Li Suhong were invited by the Zhuhai Cultural Center to perform Shatian Folk Song -- Ode to Yang Pao-an (Yang Pao'an) at the museum during the opening day.

Located at the Lovers Avenue-Haihong Road intersection in Old Xiangzhou, the new Zhuhai Museum has received 190,000 visitors since opening in November 2020. It is credited with playing a significant role in promoting local history and elevating cultural taste.


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