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Mega bridge and jumbo aircraft stir patriotism in Zhuhai


Updated: 2021-06-23

The world's largest amphibious aircraft assembly line in Jinwan District and mega cross-sea bridge-island-tunnel to Hong Kong were recently named National Demonstration Bases for Patriotism Education.

The aircraft, AG600, was independently designed in China. The seaplane completed maiden voyages on land, sea, and freshwater and, as the first rescue aircraft in China, sets a standard for national emergency rescue and natural disaster prevention and control.

China Aviation Industry General Aircraft (South China) assisted in producing the AG600 by breaking through core technology in high-wave-resistant hull, aerodynamic-hydrodynamic configuration, and undercarriage R&D.

CAIGA's AG600 production lines in Jinwan District have received 26,000 visitors, many of them students, since September 2016. The exhibits and tour route will now be improved for a better experience, according to a company executive.


Bridge supports development of the Greater Bay Area. Shown is the tip of Zhuhai Port on the westside HZMB island. [Photo by Li Jianshu / Guanhai App]

The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) is the other Zhuhai-related Patriotism Base selected by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee. They are among four in Guangdong Province and 111 such bases across the country.

Spanning 55 km (34 miles) across the Lingding Sea, the HZMB was constructed by Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao under the "One Country, Two Systems" model. It is a national project that boosts development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

The bridge opened to traffic on Oct 24, 2018 following six years in preparation and then nine years under construction. The Guardian newspaper has called it a "Mt Everest" in the bridge industry and one of seven wonders of the modern world.

A 264-sqm Exhibition Hall in the Management & Maintenance Center has interactive displays of information, photographs, and videos of the HZMB. Also present are a digital sand table, space axis, studio, video exhibits, bridge-island-tunnel exhibition areas, and progress reports. The hall is on the first floor of HZMB Authority's Office Building at 368 Henglong Road in Nanping Town and a similar Exhibition Hall is on Blue Dolphin Island where the bridge descends into a tunnel.


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