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CPC celebration invigorates Zhuhai residents in Beijing


Updated: 2021-07-05

Feelings of national pride and the will to forge ahead were expressed Thursday by Zhuhai representatives at the grand gathering celebrating the centennial of the Communist Party of China at Tian'anmen Square in Beijing.

Zhang Wei, Party secretary of Gree Electric Appliances, said he was honored both as a Chinese citizen and CPC member. He said the designation of Gree as a National Advanced Grassroots Party Organization on June 28 is encouragement to promote Chinese products to the world under CPC leadership.

Yang Bin, Party secretary of the Maocheng Residential Community in Xiangzhou's Gongbei Subdistrict and a National Excellent Party Affairs Worker, felt blessed to live in such a great era, and expressed gratitude to the CPC for helping the nation take a great leap forward, from standing up to becoming rich and strong.

The Maocheng Party Committee and members of the Residential Community will utilize the Party-Mass Service Center and Gridded Party Construction Platform, boosting the in-depth integration of Zhuhai and Macao residents through online and offline community services, said Yang.


Lei Jun at viewing stand facing Tian'anmen Square [Photo provided to WeChat account: zhtqb12345]

Jing Qiang, deputy chief engineer of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority and winner of the 24th May 4 Youth Medal, said the struggle of youth could hardly be better timed and construction of the HZMB is a marvelous achievement -- yet the story of managing the bridge well has only just begun.

Lei Jun, chairman of Kingsoft, was delighted to attend the grand gathering which also made him deeply aware of his responsibilities. He said he would push the envelope of technological innovation and manufacturing digitalization to help make the country more prosperous.

Chen Lihao, chairman of YGSOFT and member of the Jiusan Society political party, said that from the podium of Zhuhai's sci-tech awards to the bell-ringing table at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, he has followed the great cause of Reform & Opening Up led by the CPC in every step of his life as a business manager and technician.

Moreover, from the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Jiusan Society to the Guangdong New Social Stratum Association, he has been bathed in the leadership of the CPC in every step of his journey as a non-Party representative. From people's livelihoods, industry, and economy to society and law, he said, every aspect of his proposals and advice have been illuminated by the CPC's ideology and theories.

Qin Bo, a sophomore and volunteer at the event, was thrilled about the uniformed national flag guards and awe-inspiring 100-gun salute and air parade, and made a commitment to national rejuvenation as a youth in the new era.

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