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Airshow ticket costs lower for youngest, oldest, groups


Updated: 2021-07-26

Tickets for the 13th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition (Airshow China) went on sale July 22 at official Zhuhai Airshow platforms and the sales outlets of authorized agencies.

An Individual Ticket costs 500 yuan ($77). Anyone born after Sept 27, 2003 (including little children) or before Oct 3, 1961 will be charged 350 yuan ($54), as will tour group members of more than 15 people organized by designated travel agencies.  

Packages priced at 600 yuan ($93) comprise tickets for entry and a dynamic display of ground military equipment, and visitors aged below 18 or above 60 are still entitled to a discount of 150 yuan ($23). Those placing orders must fill in their mailing information at the official Airshow China ticket website.


Airshow China tickets go on sale [Photo by Zhong Fan / Guanhai App]

Official ticket-purchase platforms include the Airshow China website, WeChat account (gh_46b89d63388f), and relevant WeChat mini program "珠海航展官方商城." China Travel Service (Gongbei Port, Guangdong) is designated as the general agent for Group Tickets, while other first-grade agencies include Group, Zhuhai Branch of China Post Group, and China Travel Service (Hong Kong).

Foreigners and residents of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan are advised to make purchases at the official website of Airshow China or Ctrip. They are only purchased under real names, and there will be no sales outlets at the entrance of the exhibition or in nearby parking lots.

The 13th Airshow China is to be held at the Zhuhai Airshow Center just west of Zhuhai (Jinwan) Airport on East Jinhai Road in Sanzao Town of Jinwan District from Sept 28 to Oct 3. Public Days are Oct 1, 2, and 3 from 9 am to 5 pm.

Free express lines will be opened at the Zhuhai Sports Center, Xiangzhou Bus Terminal, Jiuzhou Port, Intercity MRT Zhuhai Station, Huafa Mall, Doumen Passenger Depot, and Hengqin Checkpoint. Passengers, however, must make a reservation at Smart Airshow App in advance and have an exhibition ticket for the same day. Self-driving visitors should leave their vehicles at Dingjiawan, MTU West, Qianwu Town, and Jintai Temple parking lots and take the express buses.

People must present valid ID documents, green health QR code, and travel history, negative nucleic acid test results, and have body temperature of or below 37.3 degrees Celsius (99.14F) for entry. In addition to social distancing, facial masks must be kept on within the Exhibition Hall.



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