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A letter to residents in Zhuhai

(Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office)

Updated: 2021-08-02

Dear residents and travelers in Zhuhai,

At present, 25 cities of 10 provinces in China are affected by COVID-19 cases. Although Zhuhai has responded accordingly, we are still confronted with a severe and complicated task of epidemic prevention and control. To ensure your health and safety, we sincerely ask you to take the following measures:

1. Don't travel to other cities in Guangdong Province unless necessary. Don't leave Guangdong Province unless necessary.

2. All inbound travelers from other parts of China should take a PCR test.

3. Pay close attention to the domestic epidemic situation. Travelers from high-risk or medium-risk areas should report to their communities immediately.

4. Remember the 10 major symptoms of COVID-19: fever (body temperature above 37.3 degrees Celsius), dry cough, fatigue, smell and taste loss, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, myalgia and diarrhea. If you have any of the above-mentioned symptoms, take proper personal protection immediately, go to the nearest fever clinic and inform it of your epidemiological history truthfully.

5. Stay safe and practice good hygiene. Always wear masks, wash hands frequently, open windows for ventilation, keep social distance and reduce unnecessary gatherings and outings.

6. Get vaccinated as soon as you can unless you have contraindications to vaccination.

7. If you are visiting Zhuhai, please cooperate with the epidemic prevention requirements of the scenic spots and places. Always pay attention to your own health status and stay safe.

Epidemic prevention and control relates to everyone. We all have our due responsibilities. Thank you for your support and understanding of the epidemic prevention and control measures in Zhuhai.

Zhuhai Municipal Health Bureau

July 31, 2021

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