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All tests negative, so most Gongbei restrictions relaxed


Updated: 2021-08-12

Epidemic controls were downgraded at 6 am Aug 11 at lockdown and exit-restriction areas in Gongbei Subdistrict after all residents tested negative in three rounds of nucleic acid procedures.

Locals in these areas are required, however, to avoid unnecessary travel other than commuting to and from work.

A resident surnamed Li said he had wanted mostly to return to work and would comply with the epidemic prevention and control measures and avoid gatherings.

Border crossings at Gongbei Checkpoint have increased significantly and businesses in the former lockdown and restriction areas have resumed operations.

Xiangzhou District had deployed more than 30,000 personnel to help with epidemic control in lockdown and restriction areas after three Macao residents, who tested positive for COVID-19, visited Zhuhai.


Security guard allow locals to exit lockdown area [Photo courtesy WeChat account: zhuhaifabu]

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