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Officials lay out plans for cooperation zones with Macao, HK


Updated: 2021-09-10

Xu Hongcai, vice-minister of finance


- China will implement a preferential tax policy for building a Guangdong-Macao in-depth cooperation zone in Hengqin

Pan Gongsheng, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


- The pilot scheme of cross-border renminbi business will be implemented in Qianhai at an early stage

- China will soon launch the Cross-Boundary Wealth Management Connect and start southbound trading on the Bond Connect, establishing new channels for investors in the mainland to buy financial products in Hong Kong and Macao

Zou Zhiwu, vice-minister of the General Administration of Customs of China


- Central government plan details customs supervision to facilitate exports, improve people's livelihood

Lin Keqing, executive vice-governor of Guangdong


- Hengqin GDP, infrastructure and innovation have seen rapid development over past 10 years

- Guangdong has been creating employment opportunities, supporting businesses from Hong Kong and Macao

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Xi's Moments
1796761356102795270 (1).jpg Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin 2 years on
1920-694.jpg 14th China Intl Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition
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