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Officials lay out plans for cooperation zones with Macao, HK


Updated: 2021-09-10

Qin Weizhong, Shenzhen mayor


- Qianhai zone has made progress in modern services sector, with Hong Kong businesses opening in area

John Lee Ka-chiu, chief secretary for administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government


- Hong Kong welcomes Qianhai plan and presence of young people in development zones

- The Hong Kong business sector and professional service personnel have been actively preparing for the new opportunities the Qianhai plan will bring to Hong Kong and its enterprises 

Cheong Weng Chon, secretary for administration and justice of the Macao Special Administrative Region government


[Photos courtesy State Council]

- Hengqin plan is aimed at promoting diversified development of Macao's economy, enrich "one country, two systems" 

- Hengqin first step by Macao to further integrate with mainland

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