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E Renmin Road tunnel under Xingye opens in December


Updated: 2021-10-28

Traffic pressure during rush hours on East Renmin Road in New Xiangzhou will be eased by Dec 15 when the new tunnel under Xingye Road opens to replace traffic lights.

The major structure of the 420-m (459-yd) passage under is complete. CCCC Tunnel Engineering is painting walls and paving cement. Enameled steel plate installation, electromechanical engineering, furnishing, and ancillary works will follow.

East-west traffic on East Renmin Road will flow smoothly when the two-way four-lane tunnel opens. Motorists will also access north-south Xingye Road via four auxiliary lanes to be finished by next August with permanent rainwater-sewage pipelines, lamp poles, and landscaping.


East Renmin Road tunnels under Xingye Road to ease traffic pressure on the major artery [Photo by Zeng Yao / Guanhai App]



Tunnel to be constructed at East Renmin-Xingye roads

East Renmin Road will run under Xingye Road after a new tunnel has been built during the next two years.

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