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Eels crowned in Wankou while sea bass reign in Zhaoxin


Updated: 2021-11-17

Eel farming has merited Doumen District's Wankou Village national listing as a "One Village, One Product" demonstration site while Zhaoxin Village was cited for its Baijiao Sea Bass industry having annual output worth at least 1 billion yuan ($154 million).

The Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Affairs on Nov 10 announced 399 candidates on the 11th batch of national “One Village, One Product” demonstration villages and towns and 249 villages for characteristic industry output value exceeding 1 billion yuan. 

 Located at the foot of Niushan Mt in south Qianwu Town, Wankou also is an Ecological Demonstration Village of Guangdong Province. Home to many large professional farmer cooperatives, its eel farming industry has gradually been scaled up. Sound economic benefits have been generated and rural revitalization there has been promoted considerably.


Baijou Sea Bass farmed in Zhaoxin Village [Photo courtesy WeChat account: zhuhaifabu]

Zhaoxin Village is in Baijiao Town in the Xijiang River estuary area with dense water networks and fish ponds. Unique ecological environment and favorable water conditions have made it a famous sea bass farming base. Its output value as China's largest domestic sea bass base exceeded 300 million yuan ($47 million) in 2020. Baijiao Town itself was named "Hometown of Sea Bass" in 2011, and Zhuhai was honored as "China Sea Bass Capital" in 2019. 

The national honors are to increase the added value of agricultural products and broaden channels to increase farmers' incomes, the Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Affairs stated. 

Zhuhai has taken multiple measures to improve rural governance, the living environment, and economic development. It has garnered titles of “Hometown of Yellowfin Bream" (Jinwan) and "Hometown of Grain Worms" (Doumen) as well as the geographical indication trademark "Doumen Lychee." Next, Zhuhai will promote the development of rural areas as a forerunner in Guangdong Province.

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