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Facilities being built for pathway over Small Hengqin Mt


Updated: 2021-11-30

A trail section across Small Hengqin Mt consisting of walkways, stairs, boardwalks, and viewing platforms will open to the public once shops, toilets, and trash receptacles are completed.

It took three years to construct the 14.6-km (9.1-mile) greenway trail winding along Small Hengqin (Xiaohengqin) Mt. The work included 46,000 sqm (11 acres) of forest restoration and 1,433 sqm (.35 acre) of ecological ponds, according to Zhuhai Da Heng Qin Group.

Small Hengqin Mt is of moderate height and grade. It is sandwiched east-west between North Huandao and Gang'ao avenues on the north part of Hengqin Island. Tourists at the peak will have panoramic views of Hengqin Financial Island, the Macao Tower, Grand Lisboa Macao, and the Friendship, Gov Nobre de Carvalho, and Sai Van bridges.


Trailway up Small Hengqin Mt [Photo by Zeng Yao / Zhuhai Daily]

A water storage and purification project along the west line will constitute a mountain stream during rainy seasons and draw water to the Tianmu River (Central Ditch) in dry seasons. Hikers will encounter lush vegetation and clear water at this section. 

The 1.5-m (5-ft) wide trail has four parts: the 1,800-m (1,968-yd) north-south east section between Haa Tsui and Zhuhai Poly International Square; 2,100-m (2,297-yd) Shangcun Village middle section at Small Hengqin Mt's southern foothill; 2,650-m (2,898-yd) section from Fengchuiluodai Road to rail transit Line 4 station; and 4,590-m (5,413-yd) west section with six branching trails.

The sections are designed to harmonize with the environment. For instance, parts have naturally polished stone steps. 

The hiking trails are part of the proposed Qin Dao suburb park project (Qin for Hengqin and Dao meaning road). A 16.4-km (10.3-mile) footpath looping along elevated and ground plank roads will connect all four sections. Parking lots, rest areas, and fire prevention facilities will also be provided. 

The Qin Dao project is being built in two phases. The 2.9-km (1.8-mile) Phase I from the west side to the central section of Small Hengqin Mt is currently in the preliminary design stage. 



Scenic mountain boardwalk trails coming to Hengqin

A "slow-down" landscape passage will soon be added to Small Hengqin Mt providing ecological protection, leisure sightseeing, cultural experience, and urban images.

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