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Brief helicopter trip takes in renowned Zhuhai landmarks


Updated: 2021-12-03

A helicopter tour above Zhuhai Opera House, Xianglu Bay, the Fisher Maiden Statue, and Lovers Avenue was initiated Dec 1 by Hi City leisure-commercial complex, Chongqing General Aviation, and Asia Pacific-General Aviation.


Enstrom 480B helicopter lifts off from lawn between Hi City and Zhuhai Opera House [Photo by Li Jianshu / Zhuhai Daily]

The 5-minute excursion aboard a Enstrom 480B also provides a panoramic view of the city's urban mountain-sea-island landscapes. The single-engine five-seat multi-purpose civilian helicopter model has logged 4 million flight hours without major aircraft failures. There's no partition between the seats in the ample cabin, which makes for a convenient and comfortable viewing experience.

Those who want to experience the helicopter tour can make reservations on WeChat mini program "海韵城华发新天地文旅" or contact Hi City's Customer Service Center next to Zhuhai Opera House on Yeli Island. A trip costs 499 yuan ($78) per person.

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