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Government procurement will prioritize Zhuhai innovative products


Updated: 2022-02-18

Eighty-eight innovative products were included in the List of Zhuhai's Innovative Products 2021 released by Zhuhai Science & Technology Innovation Bureau on Feb 15. To encourage their R&D and application, local governments will give first consideration to buying the enlisted products that enter the market for the first time in the next two years.

The innovative products are mainly from Zhuhai's major industries such as integrated circuits, biomedicine, new materials, new energy and new energy vehicles, high-end printing equipment, and new-generation information technology. Among them are Allwinner Technology's chips for vehicle intelligent auxiliary drive system and Zhuhai Zhonghui Microelectronics' broadband carrier communication units.

According to Zhuhai's notice on implementation measures for government procurement and order of local innovative products that launched in 2018, local governments are encouraged to buy innovative and technologically advanced products with strong market potential yet lack competition, provided that their functions and qualities meet the requirements.

Zhuhai has been releasing the innovative product list since 2019 and 113 newcomers have been added in 2020. In order to further provide support for local high-tech products, the city now encourages companies to devote efforts in opening more application scenarios and apply new technologies, modes, and products in sectors such as ecological environment and comprehensive energy utilization.


Zhonghui Microelectronics in Tangjiawan [Photo courtesy WeChat account: sinowell-ic]

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