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Zhuhai firms spurred to 'share' workers for better HR deployment


Updated: 2022-03-11

Zhuhai will increase its human resource allocation efficiency by allowing local companies to share workers, the Zhuhai Municipal People's Government announced in a March 8 notice.

The district-level human resources and social security departments will guide companies with surplus labor to cooperate with those firms demanding for short-term workers in similar industries. Companies in need are able to release related information on the Zhuhai Public Job Platform and matchmaking events will be held accordingly. 

Cooperation agreements are required to be signed, in which issues like the working time and place, resting hours, labor protection conditions, as well as remuneration standards will be covered. 

The labor relations between the dispatched workers and their original employers will not change, while the dispatching term for these workers will be limited to the timeframe of their original labor contracts.

In addition, a subsidy of up to 100,000 yuan ($15,825) will be available for citywide human resource service institutions that have actively participated in the workforce matching and achieved favorable outcomes in addressing labor shortages for local companies.


Workers from Zunyi, Guizhou Province arrive in Zhuhai via free chartered flights and coaches [Photo by Zhang Fan & Zhou Jingxue / Guanhai App]


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