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Zhuhai CDC: take tests, avoid unnecessary outings


Updated: 2022-03-18

The Zhuhai Center for Disease Control & Prevention released a health guideline for residents on March 16 that takes into account the current COVID-19 pandemic situation.

Those travelling to Zhuhai must conduct a nucleic acid test within 24 hours of their arrival and take another one in 48 hours. A 14-day self-health monitoring is also required.


Citizens in Tangjiawan line up to take nucleic acid tests [Photo by Wu Changfu / Zhuhai Media Group]

Visitors to Zhuhai with a travel history to any medium or high-risk COVID-19 areas in the past 14 days or who have an overlapped travel history with confirmed COVID-19 cases must report the relevant information to their local residential communities, hotels, or employers as soon as they arrive in Zhuhai, and follow relevant health management measures. 

Local residents should avoid non-essential travels outside the city or traveling to medium or high-risk COVID-19 areas or places with reported cases. 

Citizens are also advised not to attend large-scale gatherings or go to crowded places or unnecessary parties. 

People meeting the requirements, especially those above the age of 60, are encouraged to complete their COVID-19 vaccinations and get booster shots as soon as possible. 

According to earlier reports, three COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in Zhuhai since March 14, including one detected during testing of residents returning to the city, one locally transmitted case reported among close contacts related with cases in another city, and one local case. 

Closed and controlled management areas have been set up in the Zhuhai National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone (Tangjiawan) and Xiangzhou's Nanping Town with corresponding epidemic prevention and control measures in place.

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