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Hezhou headquarters economy takes off with $220m investment


Updated: 2022-04-19

The 600-million-yuan ($94-million) Power China and 800-million-yuan ($126-million) China Railway Construction headquarters projects in Hezhou Integrated Area started construction on April 15 to boost local headquarters economy.


Groundbreaking ceremony [Photo by Li Jianshu / Zhuhai Daily]

Power China's South Asian headquarters will settle in Hezhou, while a municipal planning & design research institute will be built to strengthen its capacity in integrated survey, design, construction, and operation for large and complex projects. Sci-tech research talents bases, as well as provincial enterprise engineering and technical centers will also be constructed. 

China Railway Construction will build a headquarters office and talent cultivation base integrating sci-tech research, achievement transformation, education and training, as well as talent development. It will also build national sci-tech research platforms in Hezhou and the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin.

The two projects comprised the first batch of headquarters economy projects that was introduced by Hezhou's preparatory group since its establishment in the end of 2021, according to Wang Tao, temporary deputy leader of the group. 

Wang noted that the projects will provide high-quality sci-tech platforms, attract high-caliber technological talents, promote the transformation of scientific research outcomes, and better serve Hengqin's development.  

Hezhou's preparatory group has been devoted to cutting the time and expenses required on the major projects from their signing to construction. One-stop one-on-one services, as well as green channels for examination and approval are now available. 

Hezhou is currently soliciting public opinions on its new document, which encourages companies to start construction right after getting land use permits. Eligible enterprises are able to receive a reward of up to 10 million yuan ($2 million).

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