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Zhuhai-Beijing flights resume operation


Updated: 2022-04-20

Zhuhai (Jinwan) Airport has resumed operation of flights to Beijing since April 18. However, passengers of these flights are required to go through an additional check on Beijing jiankangbao, a mobile-based app for checking health codes in Beijing, and must have a negative PCR test report obtained within 48 hours of departure.

Starting from April 15, all people entering Zhuhai Airport terminal must present a negative PCR test report obtained within 72 hours, while those with travel histories to Huizhou and Maoming cities need to present a negative PCR test report obtained within 48 hours. 

Of note, it is recommended that all passengers prepare the required materials for check in advance.

Currently, four flights from Zhuhai to Beijing are operated daily, of which three land at Beijing Daxing International Airport and one lands at Beijing Capital International Airport.

For further information, please call the airport's hotline (+86-756-777-1111) or refer to its official website, WeChat account, and Sina Weibo account.


Travelers must present ID card, green Guangdong health code, wear facial mask, and have temperature taken [Photo courtesy WeChat account: zhuhaiairport]

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